Everybody, we are back with a brand new speaker. So my Tech's getting a little glitchy. So if I fade in and out just it's me, you know how this works. Alright. So I'd like to introduce you to Lex Ritchie, and Lex is actually a really amazing tarot reader. Yeah. Um, I have, I've seen some of her posts and things that she does and it's pretty cool. So I'm sure you guys are gonna really love this session for today. So with that, Lex, would you like to tell us a little about yourself? Yeah, so I am a tarot reader and I approach tarot from a full, magical perspective. So that means that my approach to tarot arises from my own intuitive knowing in honoring of my client's intuitive knowing. So every tarot reading is a collaboration and, um, my goal is to really help my clients and my students connect to their internal knowing so that they can work their magic and get in contact with their power to create the change that they're looking for in the world. Um, I let's see. So that's, that's my, how I read tarot. A little bit more about me personally, um, I am a queer and neurodivergent tarot reader who's based in Northwest Ohio. Um, yeah. And in the remnants of the great black swamp and the liminality of the nature surroundings here definitely influences my work and the way I approach tarot and magic. Ooh I like that. I love that you, you go through it or rather you come to it from a more folk aspect to it, you know, 'cause that's what we really like - being more natural, getting back to our roots because sometimes you get so busy in day to day life that we forget where we came from. We forget our ancestry, we forget all that kind of stuff because we are so caught up in the day to day, gotta-go, gotta-go mentality. So I love that you have that perspective. That means a lot to me personally and I knot that it means a lot to our listeners and our members as well. So what made you decide to go from a folk perspective versus doing the same as everybody else? So, um, I actually sort of, so I have some familial, uh, influence in this, um, both my great grandmother and my grandmother on one side of my family were known for doing a little bit spooky stuff, but it's, you know, it's hush hush in that way that folk magic is, it's not really talked about as, as magic, um, and prophetic dreams. So like dreaming true is something that comes from my dad's side of the family, um, that my dad has. And so I have this background where we're magic and then the, the weirdness of, of the world is present, but not talked about. Um, and I was actually introduced to tarot by a friend's grandmother when I was a kid. Um, and it, she introduced it to me in a way that I wouldn't call it quite traditional, uh, very fixed meanings, like the car, this card always means this. And very often, like the court cards were used to symbolize external people within our lives instead of our own internal power. Um, and it felt very disempowering because so much of it didn't reflect my lived experience as somebody who grew up working class as somebody who is queer. Um, and so I left that wavering tarot behind quite early. You know, I read tarot for maybe two years as a teenager and that faded away as a practice. Um, but then towards my early twenties, I had sort of followed the path that was given to me. Right. Like as the expectations for me. And, uh, it didn't work out. It wasn't for me. And I returned to tarot as a tool then, but I made the promise to myself that I wasn't going to go back to those disempowering meanings. And so when I picked up my new deck, I said, you know, I'm going to figure out what these mean for me. I love that. A lot of people don't, don't actually think of it that way. You know, they sort of think, Oh, there's a tarot deck and it comes with a little book. I'm going to learn what the book says. I'm going to learn it off by heart. And that's it. That's exactly how this is going to work. And they become very regimental with it. And tarot is not necessarily meant to be that regimental. I mean, those are just guidelines, right? What comes in the book? It's just guidelines. Yeah. Yeah. And one way, I like to look at it, especially when thinking about tarot as a folk art, the way I approach a folk art is that it, um, and folk magic, it's a weaving together of nature and, um, the, um, of your own ancestors and your own background and of your own soul and your own soul is super key in this, because the thing about magic is it as these unseen things that affect physical reality, right? And so if you're not, you are the only part of magic that exists in a way that influences physical reality and the way we understand it. So if you're working, if you want to manifest something, you need to bring your own physical existence into your magical working. So that's one of the reasons why it's important that tarot and your approach to tarot reflects your own lived experiences. I love that. That's great. Sorry. You can see that kitten in the background. She's, she's full of energy today, like I said, so... What would something about folk magic be without cats? That is so very true. Oh my goodness. I just want to bottle up her energy and, you know, have it for myself sometimes. Oh, but this is how it goes. So everybody knows this already. So, um, it's a cat. I have five of them, so they're always here. I also know that when I do tarot readings, one of the cats or at least one of them has to come and sit with me either with me, next to me, or plop in the middle of the tarot deck, you know, as I have it all laid out nicely. Does that happen with you too? Well, I don't currently have any pets. I'm we're, we're looking. Um, but my partner has pretty severe allergies. So sort of figuring out like, if there's one that doesn't affect the allergies so much and you know how to keep everything clean, so we're testing it out, but very slowly it's good. The only thing that I found that helped me was getting allergy shots. So I got that done and of because I'm allergic to cats, which I didn't realize. So allergy shots helped me tremendously, but yeah, a little tip for you, you know, unsolicited, I know. So you got started with tarot then when you were a child then or were a young age. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty young. Um, and like I said, I didn't necessarily continue with that and I sort of strayed very hard from that. I ended up getting my, uh, bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Wow. Yeah. That's very far away from tarot reading. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Like I said, I strayed very far from who I was as a person in order to follow the path that other people expected of me. We do get caught up in what other people want and we forget what it is that we want because we know it all along. We just sort of, as we grow up, we forget what we want and follow the herd of what our parents think of us or the neighbors think about. So whatever, you know, the tarot is a tool for coming back. Yes. I love that. So what else do you use tarot for? What else would you recommend people use tarot for? So I, I mean, anything you want really, um, tarot is one of my go-to tools for, um, both my personal development. So exploring within what's aligned for me, like where do I want to go? What are my dreams? What are, what do I want to see happen in the world? But also I use tarot to guide the spell work that I do. So, um, it's such a powerful deck of symbols and I've come to build so much of own cosmology into the deck that when I pull a card, I have a sense of what sort of spell work it's calling me into. Um, I also use it sometimes to converse with spirits that I work with. So, um, if I want to speak with certain ancestors, I might use a tarot deck. Um, if that ends up like spirit, isn't very strong for me. Like if I don't have a strong experience of them, um, using something like a tarot deck can sort of like heighten that signal and my experience. Um, but I also, I also use it as a decision-making tool. Um, you know, I think the taro is something that should empower our actions and that we can use to empower action. Yeah. Yes. So do you, how do you work with tarot? Do you work with it daily, every single day? Do you just do it as, as an on-needed basis when you feel called? Yeah, for me, it comes in cycles. Um, and so something I do in terms of doing it every day is I do pull one card every day, but I do it like on the first day of the month. So I pull 30 cards out of my deck and those are my cards for each day of that month. And I just write it all out in advance. And this is actually a tip that I got from, uh, Anna joy, the queer witch. And, um, yeah, it's very nice to have it all laid out, you know, and to sort of have a map of how my month is going to go and, you know, and I also don't have to like do it every morning when I'm tired and sleepy, which is nice. I love that tip! It's like fortune-telling at it's best! Yeah. Yeah. And, um, and then every Saturday I'll do like a Saturday spread, um, where I pull a card for the previous week, the weekend and the week ahead, which sort of helps me synthesize. What's been going on in my life. Ooh those are like really juicy nuggets of information right there! I hadn't thought about doing it that way. Oh, I love that. That's so cool. Thank you. Yeah. So you said it helps you with your spell work. Do you use the tarot cards or do you have a spell in mind and then you rely on the tarot cards or did the tarot cards help you figure out what spell to do? Yeah. So when I'm working with like trying to pull out, like all the threads of like what I'm desiring in a spell, like what this film needs to be, what elements I want to incorporate, I will pull cards to help me sort of delineate those things. Uh, because very often when we're making a spell, we have this idea of what we want out of it. Um, but the cards can help us clarify, you know, like what, what do I want, what do I need out of this spell? Um, how does the nature around me support the spell on this time? How do my ancestors, or how did the spirits I work with support this spell on this time? Um, what helpful elements is the vault offering me to incorporate into this? Right? So that, um, it sort of becomes an intermediary between us as soul workers and the whole larger like mystical enchanted world. So kind of like a gatekeeper as well. I'm sorry, my throat is going, I'm getting over my cold still. Sorry. Nobody knows that those summer colds are rough. They are. I think they're worse than winter colds. I really do. Sorry. Okay. That's better - apologies everybody. Um, so yes, so of gatekeepers is what I'm hearing you say. And I kind of really like that thought point of that. Um, now I'm being distracted by the kitten playing in her unicorn tunnel. It's one of those days. That's just how it is, I guess. Um, when someone's choosing a tarot deck, I know that there's a lot of people with the understanding or the belief I should say, of 'Oh no, you should never buy your entire deck. It should be something gifted to you.' What do you think about that? Do you think that's true or do you think it can be tweaked a little bit? I don't think it's true at all. Um, actually, because all, I mean, like if there's so many decks out there, like if you're waiting for somebody to give you a deck, like they may not give you the right deck for you. But also because, um, like I was saying, I believe tarot is a tool for empowerment. Um, and in so many ways we're taught not to use our power or we're taught that you don't have it when in fact we actually do. And I think that if tarot was to be a tool for self-development, developing our own personal power, our ability to be at choice and to claim our agency in our lives is that, of course, you should be buying your own tarot deck. Yes, that's what I agree too. I mean, I got my first deck when I was 13 and I still have that deck. That's my favorite deck. Um, but then I was gifted a tarot deck from someone else and I have never made a connection with that deck at all. It's like, it's not even, it's not even something I would even remotely be interested in. So I tried to make a connection, but it just sits on my shelf, you know? So how do you care for your tarot decks? Are you, do you just put them on the shelf, make them look nice and pretty, or do you put them in a nice little velvet bag and all that fun stuff? I am not complicated. Um, I basically in my, in my view, so the way I, I view magic it is this web that interconnects all things. It is these reds of unseen connection and unlikely connection. And, um, so those threads are good or bad and the tarot is just an intermediary for them that helps us understand and uncover those, the ways that they are interconnected amongst us. Um, so it's not like something that actually absorbs that energy in my experience. Um, so I shuffled my deck a lot. Um, I, I wanna keep that randomness in, but I don't worry about it getting contaminated with that energy or anything like that. Um, and I know that a lot of people get very insecure, even experienced readers when a card comes up a lot repeatedly in a reading. Um, and I don't, I don't worry so much about that. So like if I read from one person one day and then, you know, later in the day for another person and the same card comes up, some people might be like, Oh, I didn't shuffle well enough. Or, you know, um, that's my bad as a tarot reader or something. It's like, no, we're all connected in this interweaving web of energy. And by two people selecting me as a tarot reader, they become connected as well. If we're all needing these connections with magic, you know, and you, there's just no way to explain why it would come up twice. That's just those interconnections. That's very true. So if you have someone who is wanting to branch out and start doing tarot readings for other people, do you have any tips for them to get started? Trust? What comes up is, is the first thing that comes to mind for me. Um, so I, I have my definitions for the terrible parts, but so very often, um, what comes up is not my definition. You know, what rises as the intuitive thing to say is something that I never like, I'd never expect to say, um, something I've actually been experiencing a lot lately in my tarot readings, is these more traditional, fixed meanings coming up sometimes. Um, it's been a very interesting experience to see that, you know, these tarot cards collect meanings and these traditional meetings that were introduced to through the little white book or through popular culture, they have a truth to them and that truth can come up and present itself as the truth in that moment. Um, and that is totally valid. And so I'm leaning into trusting that when it comes up and that's what I would give as advice is trust what comes up. And I think the other thing, um, that can be really important for like big tarot readers who are beginning to read for others is creating a ritual around it. Um, a huge part of your role as a tarot reader for other people is holding space where they can open up, your client can open up to the magic of the tarot deck, right? Like someone's coming to you for reading because for whatever reason, either, you know, they have not had the exposure. They don't feel like they're intuitive, um, or they don't, they're facing a problem that is not something they can read for themselves about like, you need to hold space for the magic of that so that they can access it as well. So introducing ritual and, um, having like a stable practice where you welcome in that person into this circle of magic that you create, it's also really important. Yes. I love that - creating a ritual around it. Because everything that we do in life can be a ritual if we just think about it in that term and in those terms, it's beautiful. I'm all about that everyday magic. Yes. Right. Because there is magic all around us. We just need to know or reframe our way of thinking and the way we see things there is magic and tarot is a great, I think tarot is a wonderful tool to help us connect with that magic. Not only within ourselves, within our environment, but within the person that we're doing a reading for. Yeah. I love that, wakes them up a little bit. Yeah. So here's a question that I know everybody has another biased opinion on, when you do a reading for somebody and you come across, you know, the dreaded negative subject matter. Do you tell them the bad stuff or do you sugar coat it? So I, The way I approached my readings, um, like I said, the way I portrayed it is all about empowerment and the way I focus my questions, um, to the deck. So in reading with me, I always have a section where we were me and the client lead, discuss the question they're bringing to it. And I let them, you know, they get to say it however they want, however it comes to them. So it might be like, I really want this person to like me or something like, okay, how, and then I get to say like, how can you work on this question so that it empowers you and puts you at choice? Um, so very rarely do we, because we focus on how the individual is at choice and how they can claim their agency. Very rarely do I get like negative cards or negative outcomes. Um, I also don't necessarily, um, I don't necessarily read in an outcome based way for clients all the time. Like occasionally, uh, it might come up. So if somebody is like, I'm looking for a house, how is this going to go? I can start to advise them on outcomes and how long it might take. Um, but usually I don't, I don't necessarily, I don't do that all the time. And so, um, because what we're really focusing on is what is in your power, what actions can you take? How can you nurture your power and how can you step forward and in empowered ways so that you can take control over your life? Um, so it sort of circumvents that I never, uh, I never sugar it though, but I've never found in my experience like cards coming up and saying like, you know, you're just in a shit situation and it's just gonna be terrible. So, I mean, come on. I mean, that's fair, but you, you can come to 2020 in an empowered way. I think that's our challenge for the entire world. Yes. That is very true. I love the idea that you pre-consult your clients and help them get the right question, the wording for the right questions, the right questions for the wording. Yeah. And there's always like some, you know, I don't want my clients to feel like I'm coaching them. I always do it with as much respect as possible. Like these are totally valid questions to be coming up, coming to a situation with. But when somebody comes to me for reading, I want to not just, um, give them the rundown or give them a likely outcome, but I want to actually put them back in their power. So when they come to me with a question that that depends on circumstances outside of them, I want to bring it back to what is in their power and how can they respond to these circumstances that are outside of them. That's great. Do you do live readings or do you do like email readings or things like that? I do both. Um, so yeah, I do, um, half-hour, an hour-long, uh, live readings. Um, and those are over zoom now, um, because of the quarantine, but that's totally fine. It doesn't change the magic of it. Um, and those are really focused on going deep into accessing your power and, um, figuring out how you can come to know your power within a particular situation, but also on a deeper level moving forward. And then I do, um, shorter recorded readings, uh, where, um, and those are not live. The client sends me their question and I pull the cards. It'll be like three cards and then I'll report it and email it off. And I'll be totally honest. I love those readings so much, um, because I'm not having to hold space in the same way. I can be much more in tune with my intuitive channel and so much. And I want to say it like so much weird magic comes with like, there's so many times I like say into my little microphone, like something like, like, Oh, that's weird. I hope that lands. And then they like email me back. They're like this weird thing you said was perfect. So, um, yeah, but those are about like, often very about like very specific situations, but again, focused on empowerment and finding empowerment within that situation. That's great. I tend to agree with you, when I also have to do, um, non-visual in the space in their face space kind of readings. Um, yeah, you can, you can tune more a little bit, I think, 'cause you're not holding the energy for them. You're not holding the space. I apologize forhaving a frog in my throat again. One day I'll get completely better, but it's still bad. But yeah, no, I love that. And I've, I've heard you say the word empowerment repeatedly throughout our conversation. So I understand that that's really, really important to you. So what is the one way that you think tarrot cards can help somebody feel more empowered? Is it just for reading for themselves? So I think in my view, divination generally is magical. Um, divination, the way I define it is using some tool to uncover some sort of unseen or theoretical connection. Right? And knowing that you have the ability to uncover these unseen things like that is powerful. And if that doesn't connect to your power, like I don't, I don't know what would, right. Like it is powerful in and of itself, but also we can use it as a tool to uncover where we have the ability to make choices and take action and make a change that affects us, but also affects the world around us. Right. We have the power to make these choices and to make these moves, that create growth for us, that create growth for our communities, that facilitates growth for the natural world, and for the other-than-human world. And we just have that and we can access it through tarot, but also through any kind of magic. And these tools are just, they're just going to be tools for empowerment. I love that. Yes, that's great. So do you have a favorite tarot deck that you use? I have a lot of tarot decks that I use. Um, so one thing that, so in a tarot reading, I will almost always read with the Aquarian tarot deck, which is a fairly traditional tarot deck. Um, but there's, it's a very straight, uh, shooting. Like it's very clear and it's also the, um, the imagery it's highly illustrated. It tends to be very evocative for my clients. Um, and so that's one reason why I use it in my more, uh, standard terror readings. But, um, in my personal life, I work with all kinds of decks and it has been a huge part of how I came to my own definitions for things, looking at these different interpretations and see, what does this mean for me? What does this make me think of? And this is something that is ongoing for me. Um, so tarot decks that I'm working with right now are the Simplicities taro deck, the Brady tarot deck, um, Tarot of the Holy Spectrum, and the Vuleta Woods tarot. So yeah, that's a great collection. They're, they're pretty awesome. Like Simplicity's has been really challenging me to like, what does this mean at its very basic more level? And the really nice thing about all of these decks for me is that none of them are highly gendered. Many of them do a lot of work to rethink the more, um, Christian, the more scary aspects of it. Um, so that it really helps me spark. And this is, you know, I'm always trying to unpack these inherited meanings about what this is, both the ones that I was given as a kid when I was taught tarot, but also the ones that we get just because we live in the society we live in. And so looking at these different kinds of decks in these different interpretations really helps me ungender, unpack, unsettle, decolonize, my tarot practice, which is super important to me. Yeah, That is. So if someone's looking to get a tarot deck, what do you think that they have? Should they choose one for themselves? So they want to get their first tarot deck ever. So whatever catches your eye is my first answer. My second answer is get the Rider Waite, which is not a great answer. Um, but it's the deck that I started out on and it is the deck that you're going to see so very often, and it is going to be the one that lets you know, where your definitions need to be, um, revised. Like when you pull a card and you're like huh, hmm, I don't, that doesn't make me feel good. Like what about that card doesn't make you feel good? What about that card is an assumption? What about that card is not representing your lived experience? Um, so that's already, that's also really powerful. Um, and then the other thing, and the reason why Smith Rider-Waite is good is because Smith Rider-Waite decks always have the number and the name of the card literally printed on them. Um, so a lot of other decks that I work with such as the Tarot of the Holy spectrum is just going to have like the number and like maybe the some swords, you know, and it's not going to be very clearly printed. So it can be difficult sometimes to know very quickly when you're a beginner, what card you're working with. It's a good point because yeah, they're not, I mean, there's so many cards it's.. for the beginner it can be easy to get confused as to what the different meanings are. So that's a great tip as well. I like that. Yeah. And there are there decks that I work with like Little Monsters Tarot, um, I regularly, 'cause they use it's arrows and bows or arrows and twigs or something like that. Um, and I'm regularly getting swords and wands mixed up. Like, I do this for people. I get paid to do this and there are decks that I just look at it. I'm like, wait, what card is this? So like having the, that very easy something that's easy to read, I think is really important when you're beginning. Yeah. That's that's true. I like that because it is. There's so many decks out there and I love that they're all different designs - they're designed so differently, but it's sometimes that the design that takes away from the simplicity of it. That for a beginner, it could be a little bit more confusing I think. Yeah. So that, that's my small case for Smith Rider-Waite is that it's a classic. It will show you where tarot needs to be really got for you. And because it is easy to read because the numbers are all in, the suit is all there. Um, but really any deck that speaks to you and that you're going to keep coming to is the right deck. Yes, so start with that. Learn which ones are, are triggering, what feelings out of you unpack that, figure it out. And then when you're ready, then you can move on into something that's a little bit more creative design-wise. Yeah. And then have collections, you know? Yeah. Like, you know, and then people are like, man, I just can't get behind Smith Rider-Waite, then like the Modern Witch Tarot is like a fantastic modern re-imagining of it. That's also super easy to read. I love that deck. That's a great one. I started with the Mother Peace Tarot deck and what I loved about it was the cards are round and I have pretty small hands. So shuffling regular sized cards were awful for me. So the round Mother Peace cards, I loved it because I can pick it up and they fit the palm of my hand, but you can't find many tarot decks that come in a round format. So yeah. That's just my, my problem. Small hands haha. Yeah. I still, I still have a preference to like, this is the size of the Simplicity Tarot like Oh it's perfect. Yeah. I love that. I'm going to go look up that deck because I haven't heard of it before now. So I definitely have a softness for those smaller decks because, yeah. It's, I'm the same. It's just hard to shuffle those bigger decks. They are! It makes me wonder how the card players do it, you know, all the poker players and all of that. My goodness. This has been a really fun conversation. I love tarot! So this has just been like right up my alley and I'm so excited when you said, yeah, you'd come talk with us. Um, do you have any extra tidbits or anything like that for people who want to start reading tarot or want to start reading tarot for other people? My tidbit is, and I tell all of my students this, and I always feel like it's kind of, um, the best-worst, worst-best advice. Um, but it's, it's true is that it is essential that you experiment. Um, and like maybe this is like the scientist in me, uh, still, but my, my policy is that it is not woo if it works for you. And so yeah, so what you need to do is you need to try something and then you need to assess, did I feel anything? Did that work for me? Was there a change? And if there wasn't then change something and try it again and iterate until you have something that is uniquely you and that is super powerful and meaningful to you because you built it, you made it, you created it using your intuition. So be willing to experiment. I love that. It's not woo if it works for you. That is a perfect tagline if I've ever heard one. Love it! So another quick question. Do you have a favorite spread that you use when you're doing a reading? I actually created my own spreads for all of my tarot readings. Um, yeah, so it's, and again, they're focused all on empowerment. Um, it's just sort of, the scope varies from spread to spread. Um, but I'll, and you know, I'll be honest. I do have a soft spot now. It took me a very long time, but I do have a soft spot for the traditional Celtic Cross. I love to give myself Celtic Cross readings. Um, but yeah, and in my professional tarot practice, it is very important for me to focus on empowerment and I don't necessarily feel like the Celtic Cross cross always does that. Yes, no, I completely understand that one. Do you have any suggestions for people who want to create their own spread? Are there any guidelines or rules or things they should think about when trying to create their own tarot spreads for themselves? So anything goes in my opinion. Um, but so the way I learned how to create my own tarot spreads was I come up with a question and I ask the cards and I pull a card and then I think, okay, what question, what, what does that bring up? And then pull another card for that question. And I would do that until I had felt like I had it completed. And I did that practice for a while to see, you know, which questions am I asking? And of course, like I'm taking notes the whole time, I'd take notes. Um, but, and I would get a sense of what questions are really powerful. What questions are leading me off into details that are not as useful, what questions, um, can center, can hold down a reading? So like what's your first question? It should be the question that really centers the purpose of the reading and holds it down. And that's something you get a sense for over time. I love that. I know that some people in our group want to know how to do their own spreads. You know, they see something, they see a spread, like on Pinterest or something like that and they think, Oh, I want to do that. And I'm more like, well, why don't you create your own, you know, make your own spreads. And so for a newbie, it's, it's all new territory for them. So, but you've given some really awesome suggestions. So I love that. So tell me how can people get in contact with you if they want to have a reading with you? Yeah, so they can check out my website. That's where I have all of my, um, tarot reading offerings listed. Um, so that is Dayseyetarot.com. So days like multiple days, I E Y E tarot .com. Um, and then I'm also on Instagram, that's @the.days.eye, um, and that is where I make announcements about new offerings and um, the things like the courses that I do and workshops and things like that. Oh, you do courses as well? Yes. So I'm currently in the first round of my course, Encountering The Taro, which is a 10-week course all about guiding my students through an encounter with each of the tarot cards so that they can build their own tarot meanings. So we start with, um, what I call the number families. So we start with the numbers and we start with the elements and together and pairing those together. We can create an encounter and a unique, authentic understanding of each tarot card. Oh, that's lovely. That's so needed, especially for beginners. That's brilliant. Okay. So yeah, we'll make sure that, you know, your information is up on our site so people can contact you. Um, that Instagram is where I found you or rather where you found me. Um, yeah Instagram is just a wonderful place to be. I love that. Um, so I've had a lot of fun. Is there anything, last-minute things you want to say or anything you want to add before we say goodbye? No, I think we covered a lot today. Actually we had lots of conversations, a few interruptions, but a lot of conversation about different things. And there are quite a few nuggets that you dropped as well. I hope everyone finds them useful. Well, thank you so much for spending some time with me today. Um, and I look forward to talking with you in the future. Yeah. It's been wonderful.